Friday, August 1, 2008

Give Us Apology

All Hip is reporting that 3 days ago the House of Representatives led by Tennessee Democrat Steve Cohen, “issued a formal apology to African Americans for the atrocities committed against them and their ancestors during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and Jim Crow segregation laws.”

“It’s just another statement that America is changing,” Simmons told “It has changed enough to accept the fact that it is impossible to fully heal without acknowledging the past.”

Killer Mike had this to say:

“When they start talking about reparations, let’s not make it about the money,” outspoken rapper Killer Mike told “Let’s make it education based. I think every Black person in America should be able to go to college for free. I think they should have eight years to go after their Bachelor’s, Master’s, whatever they can get in those 8 years. And the reason why I say 8 is that some of those people are gonna be single parents [for example], and so I think they should have twice the amount of time the average kid in college takes. And for those people that’s too old or already got a degree, they should get a tax break for a certain amount of years.”

Immortal Technique added this:

“I believe that this apology is way over due and it was just done strategically at a time when Congress is at an incredibly low approval rating,” Immortal Technique told “I think its a step in the right direction, but since slavery without a doubt built up the capital for capitalism, there needs to be a discussion in Congress about some sort of reparations. That and the social, religious and educational mechanisms that facilitated the justification for slavery and the modern form of racism, that was born from it.”

Study your history

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