Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Got Mail


I have a habit of going to the mailbox expecting a check from somewhere. I originally got the idea from my Pastor and then confirmed it when I watched "THE SECRET". I'm never disappointed when it's not there because it's an exercise in the Law of Attraction. Although I have gotten at least two checks unexpectedly before. Today however, I arrive @ the mailbox and see a square package w/ my name on it from Andy Sernovitz. I'm thinking "Cool my prize is here" (I won a book "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" by Dan Pink from Andy's blog)

I open the package eager to begin reading and out comes "Word of Mouth Marketing" by ANdy Sernovitz!!! Last week in honor of his 2,000th follower on Twitter Andy gave out 10 copies away. I was not one of the recipients listed. I sent Andy a quick tweet and 5 days later I get this...

God is GOOD!!!

(And oooohhhh look at the signed copy.

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