Saturday, May 10, 2008

Change We Can Believe In?

I found myself in an interesting position as I post this blog. So many random thoughts going through my head right now:
"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton lent her presidential campaign $6.4 million over the past month, her campaign said Wednesday, underscoring the financial advantage held by her rival, Barack Obama.
The money more than doubled Clinton’s personal investment in her bid for the Democratic nomination. She gave her campaign $5 million earlier this year."
1. I saw Jimmy Carter on Tavis Smiley the other night and he recounted how they only referred to their opponent as "My distinguished opponent." To refer to the opposition by anything deragoratory was political suicide. He also remarked on the riddiculous money being spent on these campaigns nowadays.
2. That led me to my next thought where I recalled seeing Pastor Creflo Dollar on CNN and the interviewer kept asking him about why wouldn't he use his money to help the neighborhood MORE! Dr Dollar responded that he does use his money to do works in his community here and abroad and I mean this guy continuously harped on that point for a good minute like "No, you can do MORE!" So I thought if we used that train of thought, that since most of these public officials have excessive incomes (aside from their pay grade) wouldn't it make more sense to cut their paychecks down to a low 5 figures so we can redirect that money to the people who need it? ( some of their expense reports are riddiculous not to mention all the "support" they get from lobbyists)
3. I think people are expecting too much from Obama. Should he win the presidency will there be immediate change at the White House and in Washington? Of course not. I do think we need a breath of fresh air in there though. I debate on the air quite often with callers who have given up on our judicial & political system. That's fine with me, but understand this if you aren't part of the solution then you definitely seem like you a part of the problem to me. No doubt that our judicial and political system has failed people of color plenty times. I for some reason though am a big fan of HOPE and I HOPE that the future for my kids in this country is far broghter than mine!

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